Listing on SwissBorg App
Tokens that TGE through the BorgPad LBP Program will be automatically listed on the SwissBorg app with no extra cost or effort on liquidity. How is that possible? It’s simple—SwissBorg is the first CEX that isn’t built on a centralized order book. Instead, it aggregates liquidity from various venues, including all DEXs within the Solana ecosystem.
What are the positive externalities of such infrastructure?
First, this guarantees that, as a founder, your token won’t be affected even if SwissBorg where to go bankrupt. The liquidity remains decentralized, staying in the LPs of DEXs.
It creates a compounding effect. All the volume generated through the SwissBorg app happens on-chain, which helps rank your token progressively as one of the most traded on Solana. This, in turn, attracts a diverse crowd of investors and helps achieve key milestones, like better integration with Solana’s DeFi ecosystem and creating more robust Oracle price feeds.
It also improves your ranking on platforms like CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko, boosting adoption.
While listing on other CEXs dilutes your efforts, listing on SwissBorg compounds them
Listing on CEX dilutes your Volume > Illustration (multiple accounts all going to a single point, order book)
Listing on SwissBorg compounds your Volume > Illustration (multiple wallets going to the same direction, i.e., LP)
Last updated